Напојувањето со инвертер BWITT ве води да го разберете еднофазниот прекинувач за пренос на статички бајпас
Напојувањето со инвертер BWITT ве води да го разберете еднофазниот прекинувач за пренос на статички бајпас

Напојувањето со инвертер BWITT ве води да го разберете еднофазниот прекинувач за пренос на статички бајпас

When your power equipment (electromechanical, електрични, итн.) requirements are more stringent, you may consider using BWITT company single-phase STS static transfer switch, which can realize this function for you.

Најпрво, let's introduce the working principle of a single-phase STS static transfer switch. It is a dual-input transfer switch device. For example, there are two AB-channel input ends. Usually, the A-channel is connected, the B-channel is disconnected, and the A-channel AC is exchanged. The input supplies power to the load. When the power supply of circuit A fails, the STS automatically disconnects the originally connected circuit A, and connects the previously disconnected circuit B, and transfers the load to the B circuit power supply without interruption. Simply put, it is a guarantee device for uninterrupted power supply, which plays the role of uninterrupted power supply of load power equipment.

Features and scope of application:
*Using rack-mounted installation, it is convenient to be embedded in the cabinet.

* Simple operation, низок шум, no pollution, real-time data acquisition and remote communication functions, which provide convenience for the majority of system users to implement network management and remote monitoring.

*Digital detection and control technology, with strong anti-interference function
*The power supply may be any two AC power sources with sinusoidal outputs

*Switching time is less than 4 microseconds
*The static transfer switch is not only suitable for the power industry, but also for other places with extremely strict requirements on the power outage time.

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