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Rack Mount 24v Bwitt 48vdc 220vac 3kva Online Ups Uninterrupted Power Supply
Погледнете повеќе слики

This is a multifunctional UPS that combines the functions of an inverter and a battery charger to provide uninterruptible power supply support in a rack-mounted design. Its complete LCD

The display provides a button design that is easy for users to configure and operate. For example, you can set different battery charging currents and input voltages based on different applications.

  • BWT-2500-3kw
  • BWT-2500-5kw
  • BWT-2500-6kw

Контакт сега Download As PDF
Детали за производот
Истрага сега


  1. Pure sine wave output
  2. Zero transfer time form line mode to battery mode
  3. RS232 and USB communication port, optional SNMP remote
  4. Support parallel connection, suitable for network cabinet power supply


1. Telecom station/base/ Cable Equipment
2. Communication Station.
3. Computer data center
4. SCADA Networks and Data Equipment
5. Phone /cell base
6. Radio Base stations/ Cell Sites
7. Monitoring center room
8.City WIFI device
9. Emergency communication car
10. Railway & metro
11. Distributed Antenna Systems
12. Marine & offshore
13. Building Management Systems
14. Fire Alarm Systems
15. power utilities System Control /field
16. power plant/station
17.Power monitoring system
18.Solar power system
19.Wind energy system

Product Advantages

● True sine wave output (Т.Х.Д. < 3%);
● Configurable input voltage range for home appliances and personal computers via LCD setting
● Configurable battery charging current based on applications via LCD setting
● Auto restart while AC is recovering
● RS232 and RS485, SNMP Optional communication Port;
● Smart battery charger design for optimized battery performance
● Cold start function
● Zero-transfer Time

If you have some problems about DC 48V 10000 Ват инвертер 10kva чист бран синусен инвертер Телеком 4U решетката за монтирање инвертер, or want to know more details about Rack mount Telecom Inverter,Систем за исправувач на телекомуникации,Home Pure Sine Wave Inverter,Solar MPPT INVERTER,DC to DC converter, etc. Welcome to contact us!

Looking forward to your inquiry !


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