Работните режими на онлајн напојувањето на UPS-от вклучуваат нормален режим на работа

Online UPS generally operates in commercial inverter power supply mode

In normal operating mode, комерцијалниот влез се испраќа до излезот преку AC/DC и DC/AC, обезбедување на стабилно и чисто напојување со синусен бран од 50 Hz за товарот. Истовремено, полначот ја полни батеријата.


2. Change the battery power supply mode to supply stable and clean 50Hz sine wave power to the load in case of poor or power outage at the mains electrode end. The supply time depends on the battery capacity and load size of the UPS power supply.


3. When the inverter is abnormal due to bypass working mode, преоптоварување, or high radiator temperature, switch from static switch to bypass mode, and provide commercial power to the load through input-output filtering.


4. UPS power maintenance bypass mode, in the event of mechanical failure requiring maintenance, manually switches to maintenance bypass mode, providing commercial power directly to the load, which is equivalent to disconnecting the UPS from the power supply circuit.


Online UPS fundamentally eliminates the impact of any voltage fluctuations and interference from the mains on load operation, truly achieving dry search, stable, and stable frequency power supply to the load. The waveform distortion coefficient of the sine wave output by online UFS is small. Во моментов, the waveform distortion coefficient of general commercially available products is within 3%.

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